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An ISO 9001 : 2015
Certified School

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An ISO 9001 : 2015
Certified School

Online Registration Link : Please download School Mob. App from Play store : Campuscare , Link: Welcome To St.Thomas English School Welcome To St.Thomas English School
Vision & Mission


The spirit of 'St. Thomas English School' is embedded in the mottos "Wisdom Enlightens All" and also "Power, Knowledge" to lead an angelic life on the basis of the above-mentioned truths and to build up a classless society where love will be the law and service will be the religion of the people. For this, our approach is cultural, by culture, we mean character, and cultural movement of studying, understanding and appreciating the good values of all communities, nationalities or races.

We realize each child is an individual and here we foster a caring and creative environment and emphasizes the development of each child. We help each child to recognize his innate talents and improve the skills needed for imperishable success in his future life, and establish values that will allow him to act with thoughtfulness and humanity. Here we strive to build up a positive relationship with school management, parents, teachers, committee members and students. Here we aspire to provide life skills, values, and a caring environment that will empower each student to reach the highest zenith of success in his life, without losing humanitarian concepts.


It is our vision that we must build physically, emotionally, culturally, socially and spiritually fit individuals who never feel victimized by any discriminatory barrier. We also seek to ensure that our students must be ready to face any challenges and they are able to move successfully to the mainstream of society.