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An ISO 9001 : 2015
Certified School

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An ISO 9001 : 2015
Certified School

Online Registration Link : Please download School Mob. App from Play store : Campuscare , Link: Welcome To St.Thomas English School Welcome To St.Thomas English School
General Instruction

General Instruction

Students seeking admission in the school are to get their names registered in the month of January itself until seats are filled up. Admission is done purely on first come first serve basis and as per the availability of seats in each class.
The application form must be filled in neatly and all entries are to be made correctly. Incomplete application will not be accepted. Children who have completed five years as on 31st March are eligible for admission to class one. Corresponding age limits are applicable to all other classes. However, a child can be admitted to LKG and UKG at age 4 and 5 respectively.

Selected pupils are required to furnish the following documents at the time of admission.

  1. Date of birth certificate from the municipal corporation or equivalent body.
  2. Four identical attested passport size photographs of the child.
  3. Two passport size photographs of both parents together with the child.
  4. Two photographs with signature attested by parents of the child.
  5. Transfer certificate from the previous institution, if any.
  6. Mark sheet of the last examination, if any.
  7. Medical certificate of general health from a govt. Regd. Doctor stating the child has no contagious disease, allergies or chronic ailments.

Admission & Withdrawals

  1. Admissions are made by the school authorities, in accordance with the norms of selection and the availability of seats.
  2. Every candidate for admission must be introduced by the parents /guardian who will be responsible for his/her conduct, progress in studies, discipline and payment of fees.
  3. The Principal reserves the right of refusing admission to a pupil without ascribing any reason to it. He also reserves the right of refusing continued studies to any pupil whose conduct is found not satisfactory or who is not benefitted by his / her study in this school or is a bad influence on peers.
  4. Transfer Certificates will be issued only when the parent/guardian applies for it, after all the dues have been cleared.
  5. Those who apply for TC should submit the application 10 days in advance and pay the fee dues till the date of application.