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An ISO 9001 : 2015
Certified School

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An ISO 9001 : 2015
Certified School

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About US

About Our School

ST. THOMAS ENGLISH SCHOOL, An Educational Institution, run by South Indian Educational Trust started functioning in 2014. Our institution is for all students irrespective of their language, religion, caste or creed. The doors of our classrooms are open for the children they have the craving for knowledge to build a bright future. As Khizersarai a rural area, the education process was naturally very slow in 2014 but the trustees of South Indian Educational Trust decided to start an English medium school giving importance to holistic and quality education based on the rich and diverse cultural heritage of India and we have been keeping the perfect professionalism and quality in all our activities since the beginning. We give importance to develop the way of thinking of the children in such a manner to bring them up as the very firm and strong citizens of our country to hold up our traditional values as the best in the world.

Our goal is enabling the students to explore their full potential academically and spiritually. Here we assimilate the students with love and create passion in studies, dedication in learning and desire to excel at the best level wherever they are in this competitive world.

The campus of ST. THOMAS ENGLISH SCHOOL is in a peaceful and beautiful place pursuit for handling the academic activities in a soft and friendly atmosphere. Our excellence is always supported with proper Infrastructure updated time to time according the world moves on in modernism. The modern technological facilities are suitably applied and implemented for the development of education in this school.

Our parents always give us a verbal certificate "The right place for a bright future" and we are the trust worthies of that parents for ever, yes St.Thomas English school is the right place, we train the 'minds' in the right way.