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An ISO 9001 : 2015
Certified School

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An ISO 9001 : 2015
Certified School

Online Registration Link : Please download School Mob. App from Play store : Campuscare , Link: Welcome To St.Thomas English School Welcome To St.Thomas English School
Director's Desk

Director's Message

Mr. Jijesh. P

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
Dear Parents,
On behalf of St. Thomas family, I would like to welcome everyone to St. Thomas English School! It is a privilege to wish you all as a Chairman of St. Thomas English School and work with such a dedicated and professional staff. Our school has an outstanding reputation and I am proud to be part of such a wonderful community.

We believe in education the whole child focusing on academic, Social and emotional growth. Education is not just about the subjects that are learnt and taught in school. Education involves the progress of self-motivated, responsible and self-disciplined children. From a very young age we bring children, through purposeful activities, to independent learning and self-initiatives, enabling them to achieve their highest potential. Self-esteem is achieved and skills vital to a fully functioning member of society are developed.

I would like to encourage each family to stay active in your child's education. I certainly realize that many of you lead busy lives, and it is often difficult to volunteer at the school. However, taking just a few minutes in the evening to read to your child, talk with your child about school, or simply see that you child is organized for the next school day can have great benefits. Education is a partnership between the school and the home, and we are fully vested in partnering with families to make sure each child reaches their full potential. We have always had wonderful family participation, and I look forward to continuing this tradition. In advance thank you for all of your support!

Please contact us to arrange a tour of our school and to meet our passionate and dedicated teaching team.
We hope to see you soon!
Mr. Jijesh. P